Monday, July 16, 2007

After 13 hours of driving, some rain in Maryland and slow city traffic we made to to Washington DC! We really were blessed with outstanding driving conditions and safety. Thank you to everyone that was praying for us throughout the day yesterday during our travels!!!

I tried to update this blog last night, however, I was sooo tired and attempted to do it, but my eyes would not hold out.

After we got our stuff settled in we went out for dinner to a Thai Cuisine restaurant. It was sooo good and I did not hear one person say that they didn't like it. Although, we are still not real sure exactly what the meat was (I found out later some of it was Tofu!) Here are some pics from there.

Full tummies make for HAPPY CAMPERS!!!!

After we ate we went on a Prayer Tour of the city. We covered so much area it was pretty unbelievable. Our first stop was the Washington Monument where we stood in the middle of everything and everyone and prayed. It was awesome!

We also sent to a spot across from the Supreme Court Building. There we prayed for our local leaders, presentation of the people in DC and the Judiciary System. We are not able to go on the other side of the road here because if we were caught praying directly in front of this building we could actually be arrested for a public form of protest! In America! Can you believe it??!

We also spent some time in a part of town called Anacostia. This is the poorest part of DC. 80% of the residents in Anacostia are on food stamps, welfare and other government aid programs. This area really seemed to leave a solid impression on the kids. This is actually the part of town that we will spend most of our time (VBS and such). So, I am really excited to see how God works in them as this site.

We also got to see the National Cathedral. It was BEAUTIFUL! We spent time praying there for the churches in DC, our church and the churches of the world.

Each student (and leader) was given the a NLT of the New Testament last night along with a journal and highlighter. Each student was challenged to highlight verses in the bible they thought were important/inspirational. These bibles are not for us to keep, but to leave here in DC. They can give them to someone they met on a ministry site, a student at VBS, a homeless person on the street....basically whomever they feel called to give the book to. I am hoping this will be a key memory of this visit.

Moms and Dads; All the kids are doing GREAT! I have already seen new friendships start as we have randomly mixed up the vans for travel as well as today's work groups. I have not heard yet one negative comment and everyone is all smiles. You should be very proud!

We have some great ministry opportunities today and cannot wait to hear from everyone at the end of the day!!! I would tell you now, but then you would know what to expect from the next Blog.

I would like to encourage you to leave comments for any students or the group here. The kids do think it is cool. Also, if you are a parent or prayer partner, friend or other family member of anyone in the group and want to send a specific message to some one you can e-mail it to them at

I hope you find this update enjoyable and informative! I hope I can make it up late enough tonight to update you this evening, otherwise check back in the a.m. I have also put an update on my voicemail at church.


Audrey and Gang


Anonymous said...

Wow, Looks like from the pictures and words from Audrey that you are having a great time! I was glad to hear that everyone arrived safely in DC...Praise God! We continue to pray for you and look forward to what God has planned for you these next few days. God bless and Keep the Son in your eyes! Mrs. Malone

Anonymous said...

Alyssa & Sponsors. I hope you're doing well. I've been praying for your health and safety. Please have Audrey put your name under one of your pictures so I know what you look like. I've been praying for an extra measure of patience for all of you sponsors and also that you get the rest that you need. God's blessings to the whole group. Betty